Monday, August 10, 2009

As I sit here during lunch on my 48th Birthday I was thinking about how good God is to me. I recently had my 6-month scan, actually back in July, and all is still clear. We had a little concern at first, when the CT scan showed some spots on my spine. However, the CT scan is inconclusive, so we did an MRI and found out that it was nothing to be concerned about. Our Lord is faithful and trustworthy! Praise His name!

Now I am looking at the opportunities before me to serve him in new ways. I am trying to look at how I may use my skills to serve the River of God mission and serve in my new role at work. I have been given an extension on this life and I know that I need to use it to share the Gospel message with people. I need all of my friends and family who are not committed to the Lord know that they have a decision to make that has eternal consequences.

Where will you spend eternity?
Heaven and Hell are real places! You cannot decide later where you will spend eternity. Choose now before it is too late! I beg you.

Please talk to me if you have questions.